Friday, March 23, 2007

I'm Moving . . .

I'm moving over to MySpace because it's funner and I get to put more stuff on there that is cool. I don't know if I'll still blog about Days. I did watch last week but only Wed - Fri cause due to Daylight Savings Time my DUMB VCR didn't automatically change the time like I thought it did, so it taped PASSIONS instead. UGH. The only reason I was able to see Wed - Fri was because I stayed up Sunday night and watched them on SoapNet. So anyway, I don't know if you have to have a MySpace account to read my blog, if not then please come visit me.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sanjaya continues to reign . . . KILL. ME. NOW.

I just can't believe that Sanjaya is now in the Top 10 and will TOURING with the group this summer or whenever they do the Idol Tour!!!!! UN-FRIKKIN-BELIEVABLE!!! Tuesday night's show was beyond entertaining though with LuLu's screeching and that little girl blubbering over Sanjy, it had me in stitches. I honestly like To Sir, With Love but that rendition that LuLu graced us with last night was truly horrible. It didn't even sound like the original sound. I guess with all the years of smoking damaging her vocal cords . . . I did like Peter Noone's There's a Kind of Hush. However, I noticed he was wearing the same frikkin' outfit that he had on Tuesday night and I think when he was mentoring the guys!

So what can I say about this weeks contestants? I can say that Stephanie deserved to go because she truly was not good this week. Didn't Nadia Turner do that song and completely nailed it? I'm thinking she did. Jordin Sparks was unbelievable. Loved her. Liked her footage with LuLu cause when LuLu's like, "You need to [scream]!" and does that, "EEEEEK!" Jordin responds with her own startled yelp and says, "Oh, my!" BA-HAHAHAHA. Classic.

I am an emotional wreck since my medications are all screwed up and I'm guinea pigging this new stuff so even though the Crying Girl completely CRACKED me up when I first saw her sobbing over Sanjy, she had ME crying at the end of the show when Ryan has her come up on stage and she's hugging everyone. Jimmy kept saying she was from the Make a Wish Foundation but I said she's just a star-struck 12 year old. And that's what she turned out to be! Unfortunately for her, AI continued to show her clip so I'm sure once she went back to school, her classmates were giving her hell over crying over Sanjaya Malakar. I bet she has a lot to cry about now.

Phil was 10 times better than he was last week and I was proud that I new Tobacco Road which Jimmy didn't! HAHAHA. Jimmy thinks he's the ultimate song expert cause he can "name that tune" with the first note as he constantly flips channels on the car radio. I'm glad Gina made it through and of course no surprise that Blake, Melina and Lakisha breezed through. I don't know but Blake had me all light-headed with the Zombie's "Time of the Season" -- except when he looked all cross-eyed as this horrible picture depicts. I'm sure Blake is having a cow that this picture made it to the website. But maybe he doesn't even look at the website because if I did I'd be pitching a fit and demanding that it be taken down. I absolutely cracked up when Ryan was doing those funky moves after the critique. Hilarious. I'm telling you, this season is just a totally different ball-game. Um. Didn't care for Chris Sligh. I still like his personality but personality is not going to get you a recording contract. At least it wouldn't for me -- this day and age anyone can get a recording contract it seems. I've been reading Mary Wilson's DreamGirl when the competition was fierce between artists and you actually had to be GOOD to make it.

Katherine-McPhee-Wannabe Hayley was guaranteed another week with the help of her hot pants and slinky boob top. Simon's comment, "You naughty girl," was hilarious. But as you can see it worked cause she wasn't even in the bottom two. I have to say the Ford commercial they did was much better than last week's. It was funny because I wasn't really paying attention when it came on and I happened to look up and was thinking, "Hunh, that looks like Melinda from American Idol." HA. Speaking of Melinda -- don't like the new hair cut. It makes her head look that much larger and accentuates the fact she has no neck. Anyhoo, next week should be interesting. There is a girl on MySpace who is on a hunger strike until Sanjy is kicked off. Maybe I'll join her.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Craziness ensues . . .

So sucking pond water wasn't good enough to get voted off cause Sanjaya IS STILL THERE FOR ANOTHER WEEK!!! UN-FRIKKIN-BELIEVABLE. At least he WAS in the bottom three. If he hadn't been there, I really would have gone off. As I guessed, Hayley got the sympathy vote. I wonder if she's going to cry every week now so people will feel sorry for her? I definitely don't think Phil Stacey deserved to be in the bottom three. This show is just crazy sometimes. I guess I should mention that Brandon the Backup Singer got the boot. You would've thought he'd won a prize the way he was smiling though. Maybe that was his defense to keep from crying cause he got voted off and Hula Boy didn't.

Well, let's talk about Diana. Obviously the word DIVA originated to describe her cause boy, what a Diva she was last night. Jimmy and I stifled laughter when she first came out and started that, "Wheee! Yeeah! Wheee!" We definitely thought it was going to be reminiscent of the Super Bowl half-time show but she actually did start singing. "Eh" is all I can say. Wasn't really that great for me, man. Kinda pitchy, you know? I did have to laugh when Ryan asked her who she thought was going home and she laughs, "Me!" Good answer. I don't know why they ask that question anyway. Like she would've said, "I think that Sanjaya Malakar should go home! P.U.!"

That Ford commercial they did was horrendous. I didn't think they could make Chris Sligh's hair any bigger but they did. It was just really scary overall. Blech. And their performance of the Diana Ross melody was pretty stinky too. I tell you, this is the weakest bunch of contestants I've seen on this show. If Lakisha, Melinda, Jordin and Brandon weren't on there, I don't think I would even be watching this season.

All I can think about now is how bad will Sanjy do next week and will people wise up and STOP VOTING FOR HIS HULA @$$???!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

And I didn't think Sanjaya could be any worse . . .

But boy was I wrong! He sucked pure pond water last night and THAT HAIR. OMG. He PERMED it. It was almost as big as Diana Ross's and that's BIG. I LOL'ed when she asked, "Can you dance?" He should've said, "No but I can hula!" and then start doing his little hula dance for her. I absolutely ROLLED when Simon said that wherever Diana Ross should be watching the show, she was squealing like a beached whale -- or something to that effect. HOW did this no-talent MJ (now Diana Ross!) wannabe get to the Top 12?? But not only was Sanjy just horrid but also Haley and Brandon -- the other two DUDS from last week that shouldn't have made it this far. And when Simon didn't rake her over the coals, Haley actually collapsed in tears!

As always Melinda and Lakisha (Kiki) brought it as did Jordin Sparks. These three are truly the only ones that have real talent. I swear I have more talent in my big toe than Sanjy, Haley and Brandon all combined. Hey, I rock Karaoke Revolution(TM)! ;) Phil Stacey did sound a lot better than he did last week and Blake was eh. I really didn't care for his version of . . . what was it? Can't even remember it now. Let's see. What else? Oh, Gina did well with Love Child, I thought. I thought it was kinda weird that Paula described it as an "upbeat" song. I guess she meant the tempo because the content of the song is less than upbeat -- singing about your illegitimate child is not exactly a feel good story. I was in a weepy mood to begin with cause I've started a new medication (after having a horrible allergic reaction to the previous one) so I boo-hooed when Paula and Melinda were boohooing. Even Simon made me boohoo when he goes, "Melinda! Why are you crying?" but was laughing at Paula.

Is it even wise to admit that one of your musical influences is Michael Jackson? I was asking that question when Blake revealed that during his question and answer session. Maybe before all the pedophile accusations and before he bleached himself white and his nose fell off -- but I just don't think that's WISE to admit now. But it's not me up there.

Totally loved Melinda's response to "what's the hardest thing about doing this competition" and she says, "The dresses and these high heels!" Totally agree with you on that!

Lakisha looked smashing in her elegant white evening gown but I think she should've done the mic stand. That would've made it even more classy.

I dunno about Diana Ross as an individual. Her hair is REALLY REALLY BIIIG. She didn't seem she had much advice to give except "work the crowd" and "work the stage". She was kinda boring but pretty outspoken about whom she did and didn't like of the contestants. Strange combination.

Once posts pictures from last night, I will add a few here to give you a taste of what I'm REALLY talking about. Tonight is results night and I have a horrible feeling we're going to be seeing more of Sanjaya even though he is absolutely HORRID and never should've made it this far. Also think that Haley is going to get the sympathy vote for her breaking down into tears last night. :(